Monthly Archives: March 2014

A Coffee and a Chance with Tim

Tim Hortons roll up cupSitting in a Tim Horton’s coffee shop recently, I was enjoying my afternoon coffee and pondering the questions of the here-and-now. Questions such as: What are the good prizes in Tim’s roll-up-the-rim contest? What is the chance that the cup in my hands will win any of those prizes?

The first question is subjective, but the second one can succumb to the cold hard crunching of numbers. The probability of winning each of the prizes can be calculated from Tim’s contest website:

Prize Available to be Won Odds of Winning
Coffee about 35.4 million 1 in 8
Donut about 11.8 million 1 in 24
$100 Tim Card 25,000 1 in 11,308
$5,000 Visa prepaid Card 100 1 in 2,826,944
Toyota Corolla 50 1 in 5,653,887

It’s difficult to have an intuitive feeling for just how large those large numbers are, how distant those prizes may be from your hands. So let’s try another approach. If I regularly buy coffee from Tim Hortons, how often can I expect to win the prizes? I computed the following table for someone who buys two cups of coffee a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks of the year:

Prize Available to be Won Expect to Win*
Coffee about 35.4 million once every 4 days
Donut about 11.8 million once every 11 days
$100 Tim Card 25,000 once every 13.5 years
$5,000 Visa prepaid Card 100 once every 3.4 millennia
Toyota Corolla 50 once every 6.8 millennia

*Expectation with buying two cups of coffee per day. For the last three prizes, I’m assuming that the contest runs continuously forever and that you are immortal. I’m also including the cups from the coffee prizes in calculating the expectations.

Yes indeed, if the contest ran continuously forever, and if you were immortal, you would have to play on average for as long as all of recorded history to win a Corolla. (With 50 Corollas on offer, these numbers also hint at the amazing quantity of coffee that must flow through all of Tim Horton’s coffee shops.) No wonder the guy who threw away a Tim cup without rolling it, only to find out later that it had won a car, was upset. That guy hadn’t just thrown away the chance of a lifetime, he had thrown away the chance of 90 lifetimes. Continue reading